I was "tagged", whatever that means, by my friend Leigh to do this little timewarp exercise so here it goes.
20 Years Ago: I was 10 years old, almost 11. I think that was the summer my family went on our first major vacation to Disneyland so Addie and I could perform there with Kids In America. I wore a 3 foot tall Bernstean Bear head that I almost passed out in once. I was taller than everyone I knew my age, or Addie's age, Marty was leaving for his mission in Korea, and my favorite T.V. show was proabably Moonlighting, though I had no idea what it was really about.
10 Years Ago: It was 1998, I was a sort-of Junior at BYU, finally an English major, and working my first summer as a Camp Counselor at Trefoil Ranch. It was one of the best summers of my life where I got paid to sing silly songs, eat all the Thin Mints I could handle, and make some life-long friends. And I learned to ride a horse that summer. At age 20, I had never touched a horse, let alone ridden one before.
5 Years Ago: Let's see, 2003. That puts me in Panama City Beach, FL as a missionary. It is one of the prettiest places on Earth, populated with the some of the best people on Earth. This is where I really became a missionary and learned how a small church branch can band together to change peoples' lives.
3 Years Ago: It was 2005, I had just been a Maid of Honor for the first time (and probably never again--I wasn't very good at it with all those traditional things...) for Holly's wedding, and I was 2 weeks away from marrying Charlie. We had just purchased our first piece of furniture together with a $25 dollar orange couch from D.I. It has finally been retired to my school classroom.
1 Year Ago: Charlie had just quit his job and we spent the month of July 2007, packing our little apartment to move to St. George. We also ate a lot of Noodles and Co. and Apple Spice Junction-- the two restuarants we knew we would miss terribly.
So Far This Year: I have finished teaching at Dixie High School, (I'm off to Snow Canyon in the fall) read 20 different novels, and finally scrapbooked pictures from 2002. I'm now starting the mission pictures which will take forever, I'm sure.
Yesterday: I played with my puppy, went to lunch with Charlie, scrapbooked 4-5 pages while watching Season One of Felicity, and had dinner at Charlie's sister's house. It was a good Saturday.
Today: I went to church, tried my best to teach 3 amped-up six-year-olds about Choosing the Right, did laundry, and played on the computer a little. This Blogging stuff IS addicting!
Tomorrow: I plan to go to the gym, run errands, play with my dog, maye get my hair done, and wait for it, scrapbook.
In the Next Year: I have no idea but I hope it involves finishing the upgrades on our condo, traveling to a city I've never been to (Chicago, New York, Minniapolis maybe?), and taking pictures of cute baby feet. Hopefully my own baby. And no, this is not an announcement of any kind, just a wish blown out into cyperspace.
So now I TAG: Jo, Holly, and Shawnee-- YOU'RE IT!
2021 to-read plan
4 years ago
Very fun. Thanks for playing along! It's crazy to sit down and think about all that time. Can you believe it was 10 years ago that we met???? FUN! PS. We'd of course love it if your chose Minneapolis as your city you've never been to, to come visit!! Loveya
When did we meet? I know our first class was English 252, but when was that? I guess probably when you became an official English major, so 1998?
This was fun! Thanks for sharing.
Have you ever been to Kansas City? :) Fun and exciting!
Nance- yep, we did meet in '98 in Eng 252 I think. Remember I used the Toad the Wet Sprocket song for something and you thought I was cool? It's been fun ever since. And I have been to Kansas City, years ago when my parents lived in Iowa. And my brother lives in St. Louis so maybe it's time for another trp to the midwest. Weren't you coming out to the cabin sometime too?
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